You earn 1 dollar for every U.S. referral that completes their first offer, from then on, you earn 20% (or more depending what your referral level is) of every penny they earn. So if they earn $100, you earn $20 for doing nothing. In addition, you earn 10% (or more depending...) of what your referral's referrals earn. This adds up quickly. They also have a "Daily Survey" where you earn 80 cents a day just for taking a quick survey about a product. You can earn an extra $24 a month taking 2-3 minutes out of your day and completing this. Still not sure if this is for real? Sign up, take 15 minutes to earn $10, wait until the end of the month and let Cashcrate prove to you that it is for real by receiving your check. For more information about Cashcrate,